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Re: Bleeding Clutch Cylinders

Subject: Re: Bleeding Clutch Cylinders
From: Bob Howard <>
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 09:17:19 -0400
   One of the guys in our club recirculates the fluid as you suggested,
with the variation that he hooks the long tube to an inline fuel filter
before letting the fluid back into the MC.

> 5. Assuming that by this time there is nothing in the system but
> new, clean fluid (don't do this next step unless the fluid is
> clean), I then run a looooong piece of the tubing from each bleed
> nipple in turn into the master cylinder reservoir and then
> continually pump the brake pedal and watch the plastic tubing for
> particulate contaminants (if they appear, I take the end of the tube
> out of the reservoir and direct the contaminant into a waste fluid
> bottle; same thing for any discoloration. Since there is no
> necessity to keep the MC reservoir full, you can really circulate
> the fluid; the bubbles will float to the top of the reservoir and
> therefore be removed from the circuit. Once there are no more tiny
> bubbles in the line (wow, sounds like a song title there), close off
> the bleeder screw.
> -Rock

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