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Re: Fuel Tank Slop

To: "Scott Allen" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Fuel Tank Slop
From: "British Sportscar Center" <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2001 10:25:56 -0800

You can buy a chromed metal plumbing part that goes under a household sink
and which is an almost perfect fit down through the filler hole at the top
of your gas tank . They are usually about 8" long and have a flange at one
end which prevents the pipe falling into the tank.

Before installation, drill a couple of 1/8" holes through the wall of the
pipe about an inch below the flange. This allows the air to escape when you
fill the tank and the fuel level reaches the bottom of the pipe. We have
found the addition of these pipes virtually eliminates slop from the gas cap
on all T-types.

British Sportscar Center

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