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Re: Got some useful data

To: Mark Sirota <>
Subject: Re: Got some useful data
From: Byron Short <>
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 13:12:29 -0700
Can anyone reproduce this problem Mark is talking about?  Or the Tile 

The platform seems normal enough.  Since all of these weirdities seem to 
be related to crt, I wonder if there's something there I'm not aware of. 
 But I don't have any good ideas right now...  


Mark Sirota wrote:
> Nope, nothing all that odd -- Windows NT Workstation 4.0 SP3 (with some
> patches) on a Toshiba Tecra 720CDT laptop (Pentium 133, 48 meg memory).
> I'm not aware of anything funny that would cause the mouse or windows or
> anything to do anything unusual.
> I'm about to get a new machine for home (a desktop system -- Dell
> Dimension L500, Celeron 500 MHz, 256 meg memory, NT Workstation 4.0).
> It will be interesting to see if it behaves the same way as my laptop.
> I seem to be able to recreate the closed-pops-open thing reliably.  I
> just start the program, open up any run, iconify it by hitting the
> "_" button in the upper right, then open another run.  After I select
> the new run, the old one pops open, then the new run shows up on top of
> it.
> I also find that Geez! seems to think my screen is taller than it
> actually is, by just a hair.  I always have a vertical scrollbar on the
> right, and when I "Tile" my runs, they run off the bottom slightly (I
> can scroll down to see the bottom, but then I lose the buttons and
> titlebar off the top).
> I hope it doesn't seem like I'm picking nits.  I generally have only
> used PCs for Office-like applications, and my expectations are high
> because I come from the Unix workstation world where everything is
> designed better and works reliably (bugs are simply not tolerated in
> my world -- I can't believe Microsoft would actually release an
> operating system that crashes...  That's why I use NT rather than 95
> or 98.)
> Mark

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