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Re: Got some useful data

Subject: Re: Got some useful data
From: "R. John Lye" <>
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 15:17:55 -0400
I just joined the list, so I thought I'd say "hi" to all
of you.  I do have one observation related to this thread,

At 02:39 PM 8/24/99 -0400, Mark Sirota wrote:
>of a sudden some window I didn't care about opens up or moves to the
>top, or I can't find a dialog box that got hidden behind something
>else, or I can't even find the borders of a window to close or resize

One thing that struck me as a bit odd was when I had a gauge running
(the speedo, say) with one trace and closed that trace (but not the
gauge).  I had expected that when I opened a new trace, that the
speedo would show me what was going on, but it seems to be keyed
to the trace that I had already closed and so I had to close the
speedo and restart it to get it to work with the new trace.  Am I
doing something wrong, or is this the way it really works?

I hope that made sense, re-reading what I just wrote, it seems a
little confused.


John Lye

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