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Re: Got some useful data

To: "R. John Lye" <>
Subject: Re: Got some useful data
From: Byron Short <>
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 13:01:28 -0700
Hi John, welcome aboard!

I am going to make a guess about what you are seeing below.  But let me 
start by saying what's supposed to happen.

First the general way this should work is that when you close the map 
that the gage is hooked to, the gage will close too.  This assumes the 
gage is linked directly to the map, that is, the button at the lower 
left is for "Dedicated Link".  This is the default.  

If you push the button at the lower left the gage become set to 
"Automatic Link".  In this mode, whatever map you click on will cause 
the gage to re-link to the new map.  If you delete the map it's hooked 
to, but there is another map on line, the gage will hook to that other 
map.  If you delete the last map, the gage will close.

Now if you aren't getting that functionality, here's my guess as to 
what's going on.

Due to a quirk in the way DDE channels communicate, if you maximize a 
map, the DDE command channel will get lost.  The gage will still display 
the data from the map, as that information travels on the DDE data 
channel.  But the command channel is the one that tells the gage to 
close itself, or to appear on top.  When this channel is lost, the gage 
will refuse to close automatically when you close the attached map.

Because of this I don't maximize maps very often.  I've tried to find a 
programming way around this, but I suspect it's in the language.  (Of 
course now that I've publicly said that the very next time I look it'll 
jump right out at me and I'll wonder why I hadn't seen it before.)

The other symptom of this is when you start a gage, and a second copy of 
GEEZ spontaneously starts.  This will happen 100% of the time when your 
selected map is maximized.  

So that's a long answer to say that I imagine your map was maximized and 
that causes a several related kinks.  Try opening the gage without 
having the map maximized, and the behavior should be as described above.


R. John Lye wrote:
> I just joined the list, so I thought I'd say "hi" to all
> of you.  I do have one observation related to this thread,
> though:
> At 02:39 PM 8/24/99 -0400, Mark Sirota wrote:
> >All
> >of a sudden some window I didn't care about opens up or moves to the
> >top, or I can't find a dialog box that got hidden behind something
> >else, or I can't even find the borders of a window to close or resize
> >it!
> One thing that struck me as a bit odd was when I had a gauge running
> (the speedo, say) with one trace and closed that trace (but not the
> gauge).  I had expected that when I opened a new trace, that the
> speedo would show me what was going on, but it seems to be keyed
> to the trace that I had already closed and so I had to close the
> speedo and restart it to get it to work with the new trace.  Am I
> doing something wrong, or is this the way it really works?
> I hope that made sense, re-reading what I just wrote, it seems a
> little confused.
> thanks,
> John Lye

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