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Re: Cop stories

To: <datsun-roadsters@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: Cop stories
From: <>
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2004 19:29:44 -0600
The wife and I take weekend runs along the Mississippi river each
summer. We were in the northwest corner of Illinois on some very twisty
roads doing at least 80 in a 45mph zone. The local policeman got me on
radar coming up a long straight hill. He stepped out into the road and
pulled me over with one hand pushed straight out and the other on his
trusty pistol. He starts in on me telling me that his brother had a 66
roadster and put him in charge of keeping it up during his time away in
Viet Nam. He fell in love with the car but had to return it when his
brother returned home. He said he wouldn't give me a ticket for speeding
but was wondering why I didn't have a license plate in the trailer I was
pulling? No license required in Wisconsin sir!  He said be safe and look
out for more radar traps!
Steve Harvey

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