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Re: Cop stories

To: Datsun-Roadsters@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Cop stories
From: Andy Cost <>
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2004 17:41:26 -0600 (GMT-06:00)
I got pulled over for 97 in a 45 on a winding country road.  The fine was $245. 
 My room mate got a ticket in the same spot a couple of days later for 141 in a 
45.  His fine was also $245.  I wish I had been going faster.

Another time I was streching the legs on my Mustang.  I was around 135 when 
smokey in his Mustang went past in the opposite direction.  I saw him cross the 
median.  I figured "I'm in a Mustang, He's in a Mustang" and I kept it pinned 
to the floor.  Over a hill and a quick exit left him wondering what had 
happened to me. After hiding out a while I continued on my way and never saw 
him again.  Now I wonder what happened to him.

One time I tried to fight a ticket.  It was a riany day and the street had some 
mud on it.  I came out of a parking lot and got a little sideways accidentally. 
 I got a ticket for exibition of acceleration.  I felt that since it was an 
accident that the charges should be dropped.  When I went to see the judge and 
explained my case she pulled my record.  She said "It looks like your last two 
tickets were for exibition of acceleration also." Case closed.


BTW -  I hope Leisure Suit Terry doesn't read this posting.  I might get 

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