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Re: Cop stories

Subject: Re: Cop stories
From: "" <>
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2004 23:17:13 GMT
Years ago (1984) I was a student at Washington State University.  I was driving 
my '73 Datsun PU... had an L-18 with dual SU carbs, a cam, some head work, MSD 
6A, a 200 SX 5 speed gear box, lowered, etc... learned a lot with that truck.  
Anyway, I was driving down through what I think was the Columbia river gorge 
making for a girlfriend's house when I came up on a Toyota PU that was lowered 
too.  We started racing down the gorge with me hot on his tail.  I have no idea 
how fast we were going but it was fast.. pedal to the floor and going down 
hill.  Suddenly the rock wall that was to our right opened up into an area just 
large enough for a State Trooper to hide.  We go whipping by and sure enough 
out he comes, lights ablaze and siren on.  We continued on down the road, me 
hand braking it to keep from showing the cop my brake lights (like that would 
make any difference), trying to pretend that we were anywhere near the speed 
limit.  There he came, swooping down on me and I was SURE I was screwed.  Just 
then, the Toyota in front of me pulled over to the shoulder... and I just kept 
on going.  I watched in the mirror as the cop pulled in behind him as I 
scurried on around the corner, breathing a huge sigh of relief.  Wish I could 
have heard THAT conversation!  But then again, I am glad I didn't have to!
Greg Burrows
67 2000 (in '86 I got two tickets on my first trip to Shasta, one on the way 
up, one on the way back... oops).

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