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Re: Seat Belts

To: roadsters <>
Subject: Re: Seat Belts
From: noji <>
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 09:42:30 -0800

On the topic of seat belts, over Thanksgiving I went to visit a friend
who recently picked up a 510.  The car has had a ton of suspension &
engine work.  The seats had been replaced with Recarros with 4 point
harness.  One needs to really work at turning around to see while
backing up, but what a difference.  I've done some white water kayaking,
where the boat becomes an extension of the body and this almost felt the
same way.  The seats allowed no lateral movement (maybe I ate too much
turkey) and the harness kept the whole body close to the seats.  I was
surprised that the suspension was very tight, but running over bumps
didn't have the harshness of a Roadster, or at least Roadsters that I've
been in.  

Dana Nojima, Ph.D.
Department of Urology
VA Medical Center - 112F
4150 Clement Street
San Francisco, CA  94121

phone: (415) 221-4810 x 2031
fax:   (415) 750-6639

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