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Insurance Question

Subject: Insurance Question
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 23:07:12, -0500
My Roadster was crunched last fall and I'm insured w/ Allstate.  I 
provided them w/ copies of my receipts restoring the car, pg 186 from 
Rallye's catalog showing values (though old, it was still very 
applicable) and an excerpt from Automobile Magazine (April '97) 
[thank you Dennis!] showing value ranges for the car.  They gave this 
info to an estimating company who does these "unique" cars for 'em 
and we came to, in my opinion, an accurate and fair value of the car. 

The funny part of the claim was when the at fault driver's insurer - 
Integon -  came back w/ their estimate of my Roadster's value.  They 
said they assumed my car had an automatic and airconditioning (a $170 
plus) when their "experts" evaluated it!  Bottom line is you have to 
document and/or build your case for your car's value at some point.

I noticed someone also asked about when Insurer's "total" a car out.  
A good rule of thumb is when the cost of repair hits 60% of the 
market value for the car, an Insurer will then start considering 
"totaling it."  Remember - anything is negotiable!  

Mike Gleeson
'68 2L

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