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Re: Spitfire

To: ssi!coventry! (Keptin Komrade Dr. Bobwrench III)
Subject: Re: Spitfire
From: mit-eddie!!augi@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Joe Augenbraun)
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 90 14:32:25 EDT
> ->> 
> ->>   When I drive the car at or above about 60 mph, there is a rumbly
> ->>   vibration from the back of the car.  I was told that it probably
> ->>   was halfshaft U-joints, but I checked them and they seem fine.
> <Stuff deleted>
>       The other possibility I can think of is that the driveshaft has come 
> unbalanced for some reason.
>       iii

I've just sent out a long description of what I've found out about the
rear of my Spit, but this message reminded me that in addition to everything
else, some ditz who had worked on the car in its past had managed to put
one longer bolt (i.e. 3 short bolts and 1 long bolt) holding the driveshaft
to the differential flange.  So my driveshaft *had* become unbalanced for
some reason.


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