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Re: Heat cycling tires

To: "Runnion, Ed" <>
Subject: Re: Heat cycling tires
From: james creasy <>
Date: Fri, 07 Oct 2005 11:46:35 -0700
>what I've heard from Kumho is that "100 continuous highway miles" is
>NOT a good way to heat cycle their tires :)

interesting.  where did you see that?  i could only find this on their 
website (not very specific and for the V700)

"We recommend that drivers heat cycle their tires before using them in 
competition. Heat cycling helps you get the most consistent performance 
and tread life out of your tires. It is the process of gently bringing 
the tires up to temperature for a short duration and letting them cool. 
Ideally, you should break in your tires, remove them from your vehicle, 
and set them aside for more than 24 hours before your track "

so what is the correct procedure for a V710?  i havent noticed anything 
unusual about the wear except the rubber wears off very slowly.  i was 
only just down to the wear bars after 93 runs last set, including 
hundreds of street miles.

OSP - Ophiuchus Seeks Prey

Runnion, Ed wrote:

>>    My new Hankook tires are being mounted.  Someone mentioned "heat  
>>cycling" them.  What would this process be?
>For R compounds, proper heat cycling can extend the life of the tire.   BTW
>James, what I've heard from Kumho is that "100 continuous highway miles" is
>NOT a good way to heat cycle their tires :)
>For Street Touring tires (ones here in question), don't bother with heat
>cycling.   Just drive them on the street a little to get the mold release
>compound off the tread, and you'll be fine.
>Note that some ST tires (well, the Hankooks, MX and 615s) can benefit from
>shaving them first.   However for the "casual local event" competitor that
>is more likely a waste of $$$.

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