Okay, so far you're a second vote for Atwater, and I'm assuming you want
the Winton Ramp area? There are smaller sites available.
The only way we can get the Winton Ramp is for a full weekend, because
the folks at Atwater want "heads in beds," i.e, people who will fill
Atwater's checking accounts.
As the events in Sacramento have shown (and they are all over both days
of a weekend, but you can choose to run just one day), two-day weekends
work, though I don't know how many are local residents who sleep in their
own beds in the Sac area, and those who actually rent motel rooms and eat
meals there, or those who enter one day only.
For the Sacramento-area residents, a two-day weekend isn't a biggie, but
if you want to run all the events of a series, you'd be committed to the
overnight deal, or long drives each day. Since there is not a strong
autocross group in Atwater, though some do live in Fresno and Modesto, or
Salida :), could SFR attract enough people to support a fairly high rent
site (forgotten, but it's a close match to some of the Bay Area site costs)?
I wouldn't want to bet SFR's solvency on many two-dayers at Atwater! :)
--Pat K
>From: "Thana, Peter {High~Palo Alto}" <PETER.THANA@ROCHE.COM>
>To: 'Pat Kelly' <>, Joe <>,
>Subject: RE: Gravel at Golden Gate Fields
>Date: Mon, Jun 3, 2002, 1:19 PM
> To be fair to John, we do have fewer events scheduled at GGF this year than
> last. There are only 5 regular series events and 9 total on the calendar
> this year as opposed to 7 and 11 respectively last year. Plus, we have 2
> events scheduled at Marina this year and a good number of Oakland events.
> Of course it seems like they are always defending GGF because there are so
> many complaints about it (and I have my share, believe me:). But I do
> believe that they are keeping our comments in mind when scheduling, it's
> just not a very easy task.
> Honestly if distance were the only negative, I'd love to see a couple events
> at Atwater. It's not really any more of a drive from most places than
> Sacramento, and it is a very nice site. Not that we should have all of our
> events there, but if a convenient date were available, I'd vote for it:)
> Peter