On Wed, 22 Aug 2001 wrote:
> Jerry - That used to be true and still is for older cars, like my
> Corvair. But on newer cars the knock sensors will let the computer add
> more ignition advance until knock occurs, then back it off just
> enough. So, up to a limit, better octane can result in more power. On
> my 1996 Camaro V6, the owners manual says 87 octane regular, the
> sticker on the underside of the gas cap lid says Premium Fuel only.
> Hmmm? I have regular-ed it once in a while, and while no pinging, it
> is definitely down on power, compared to it's normal diet of 92 (now
> 91) octane. I don't think 100 would do much more. - Seth Emerson
I dunno about other cars, but the neons I know will only advance timing to
the point where the spec gas (91 for DOHC, 87 for SOHC) would knock, even
if you've got more octane. I'd think that it'd be similar in other cars
as well, to guard against defective sensors or something.