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Re: Round 17 DNFs

To: James Creasy <>
Subject: Re: Round 17 DNFs
From: kirk <>
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 20:37:43 -0700
I didn't see that "maginot line" anywhere.  It was just a blurr of cones to me.
Can you take me for a ride to point it out?


James Creasy wrote:

> i liked it, and even though my car was doing all sorts of new things to me,
> i was able to follow it without a problem.
> the 'maginot line' was amusing, although i did do a bit of a third-reich
> there and go around it. :)
> -james
> OSP #74
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 6:54 AM
> Subject: Round 17 DNFs
> > As you may have noticed, the course had a different look.  Hopefully those
> > who have been to previous National Championships will agree with me that
> it
> > had a "Nationals Look" to it.
> >
> > 23 people posted 1 or more DNFs.  Fortunately only 2 had all 3 runs as
> DNFs.
> > I'd love to know whether they had walked the course, where their DNFs
> > occured, etc.  17 of the 23 DNFed only their 1st run.  I'd also like to
> know
> > how many of the other 6 found the course the first time, and got lost on a
> > subsequent run and why.
> >
> > Do we want more courses like this?
> >
> > CHD

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