On Mon, 13 Aug 2001 wrote:
> For a number of reasons, I seem to have been at Mather more on Sunday than on
> Saturday. I like the Sunday courses, but I always hear grumbling about
> "yesterday's course" and I also notice that the Sunday apexes are knocked
> back some from where they were the day before...
I was only there on Sunday this past weekend, but I thought the course was
pretty good. Easy to follow, a few technical areas, etc. Cool.
I, however, drove with my head in a dark place. Which was even more
embarrasing because the owner of the miata I've been borrowing was with me
at her first event. Even more embarrasing was spining the damn thing at
about 40mph and her in the car... :-)
She had a good time though and is already out canvasing the web for miata
clubs, the next autox, etc. Cool!
(oh, and remember that conversation about those dasterdly people that
don't stop for timing slips? Whoops. Heh. :-/)