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RE: First computers, was: history

To: <>
Subject: RE: First computers, was: history
From: "Adamson, Ken" <>
Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2003 13:48:32 -0600
On Mon, 22 Dec 2003, Matt Murray wrote:

> What did YOU start on?

You'll never guess from the list below that I'm a computer geek!  I learned to 
write Fortran on an IBM mainframe using punchcards when I was 11, and "played" 
the card sorter (you could make them play music by running stacks of cards 
punched a certain way).

VMS is undoubtedly one of the best operating systems ever - evidenced by the 
fact that most of the guys who worked on creating Windows NT were involved with 
VMS.  The virtual memory system of Windows was pretty much lifted right out of 
VMS.  I loved playing with the VAX when I was in college - what a blast.

I don't even know how may different programming and shell scripting languages 
I've used - it's ridiculous, really.  Mostly, I write VB and TSQL code these 

IBM 1620 Data Processing System (dad's work)
IBM Stretch (timeshared via remote access from dad's work)
IBM System/360
TRS-80 CoCo2, w/64k RAM, Audio Cassette Recorder (owned)
Commodore 64 w/128k RAM hack (owned)
Apple ][e, and c (school)
IBM PC, PCjr (school)
DEC PDP11/45, then PDP11/34, then PDP11/24 (school)
DEC VAX 11/780 (school)
MicroVAX II (school)
Apple Macintosh IIc (school)
Apple Mac Quadra (school)
Tandy 1000, dual 3.5 floppy, no HD (owned)
i8086 XT w/V20 chip (owned)
i286/20 AT (owned)
AMD 386DX/40 (owned)
i486DX/50 (owned)
AMD 486DX4/100 (owned)
IBM System/36, and /36 Advanced (work)
IBM AS400 (work)
Pentium 133 oc to 166 (owned)
Pentium 233 MMX (owned)
Dual PPro 200 (owned)

Dual Pentium 3/550Mhz  (owned)
P4/3.2GHz (owned)
8-way Xeon 500Mhz, 8GB RAM, 2TB FC RAID (work)

Ken in OKC
STS '01 PT Cruiser

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