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Re: First computers, was: history

To: <>
Subject: Re: First computers, was: history
From: "Jay Mitchell" <>
Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2003 07:34:15 -0600
Matt Murray wroote:

>What did YOU start on?

Burroughs B5500, IIRC, the campus computer at Ga. Tech for
programming classes. I took a course in ALGOL (anyone remember
that?) back in 1970. Had to type the commands - one per card - on
IBM 026 and 029 card punch machines and then turn in the stack to
be run. You came back an hour (sometimes more) later to see if
your program worked. If you made one syntax error, you had to
figure out what it was and start over.

Later computers included: Apple 2+, Motorola EXORset (for
programming various external Motorola microprocessor-controlled
systems), Osborne CP/M machine, early IBM PC (ca 1982), Commodore


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