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Re: Are your events open to all who come and want to run

To: "Jim Ourand" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Are your events open to all who come and want to run
From: "Dave Hardy" <>
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2002 17:43:38 -0400
Atlanta Region:

> Realizing that a big event for a small region might be 80 drivers, while
> bigger regions routinely handle 200 to 300 cars; how does your region
> "big" events.

Our average is probably 170.  We have had as many as 230 though.  We do what
we always do, we just do it longer.  If it is looking like the event is
dragging, we may cut it down from 4 runs to 3, but we don't like to.  We do
this before anyone has had 4th runs.

> Do you just take everyone who shows up regardless of total turnout?

So far.

> Do you require SCCA Membership?

Nope, but it is cheaper for SCCA members.

> Do you cap entry levels?

We were having the problem of a disproportionately large number of Novices
showing up in the morning and overwhelming us, so we capped the Morning
Novices to 35.  We don't cap the afternoon though, so they can still run -
just later.

> Do you reduce or eliminate Novice classes?

See above.  We regularly have 50-70 Novices.

> Do you reduce or eliminate Time Only Runs?


Dave Hardy
89 SM
DILYSI Motorsports - Drive It Like You Stole It!

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