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Re: Supplemental classes

Subject: Re: Supplemental classes
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 13:21:15 -0400
"Mark J. Andy" <> wrote:

> Well, we know that CP is soft.  That's why you see all those bottom
> feeding class hoppers in the class, right?

Different problem.

CP is soft only insofar as nobody is making full use of all that the rules
provide them with. There is thus a window of opportunity for someone to
build a "proper" car and stomp the class.

But there are no CP-legal cars floating around other classes that have the
potential to win CP _as they sit today_ The top ESP time was 3 seconds
slower than the top CP time (although he would have trophied, 9th - not
soft huh? :) and even then there's no guarentee that the car would be CP
legal (wheel sizes, EFI, etc)

If you want to win in CP, you have to build a CP car.

For SM2, an ASP, BSP, or SS car is legal by definition. You can take your
SS car and run it in SM2 unmodified. As it happened, that wouldn't have
been a winning strategy this year, but it _could_ be done.


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