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Re: Was: Where's the disc - now Growing Solo

To: <>
Subject: Re: Was: Where's the disc - now Growing Solo
From: "Dave Hardy" <>
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2002 21:14:20 +0200
> I'm sorry but I didn't make my point very clear.  In over 28 years of
> autocrossing I've never met anyone who came to an event who hadn't heard
> about it from someone who knew what it was, or happened to be driving by
> see one going on.  I do not think there are enough people "searching" for
> the rules that they can't find someone who'd give them help or an old
> book.....for free.

Do you hit the message boards?  On the various Honda Boards that I frequent,
I answer at least 1 autox question a week.  Generally they are "Is this
legal?" or "I'm going to my first autox this weekend - what class am I?"
Questions that a rulebook would answer.  As for the other sports examples,
if you are a person who is willing to drop money on something to even find
out if your interested, then I would guess you are the exception.  I wasn't
willing to throw down $15 just to find out what class I should run, and not
many others are either.

When I showed up to my first event, I had heard about it on the web, and I
had read the novice primer on  But I knew nobody there, and I
was fairly clueless.  Especially on rules.  It would have helped me.

Hell, I have bought a rulebook every year since, and it would still help me.
The web is an awfully convient invention, and people / organizations who
don't imbrace it are shooting themselves in the foot.

My $.02
Dave Hardy
89 SM

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