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re: A way to reduce some classes

Subject: re: A way to reduce some classes
From: David Hillman <>
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 18:30:37 -0400 (EDT)
   I don't understand why people are talking about SM and SP as if they
are so similar.  SM allows everything SP does, and then quite a bit more.

   Is Street Prepared no longer expensive enough?  Are we looking for ways
to increase cost in non-Stock categories?

   Not last time I checked.

   Also, shouldn't we wait until, oh I don't know, someone actually builds
a car to the SM rules?  This whole proposal is so ridiculous I checked the
date stamp three or four times.

   If anything, SM should be compared to Prepared.  Combining SM&2 with
existing Prepared classes might make sense, in a few years.  We could call
it "Street Prepared"... wait a minute.

 D a v i d  H i l l m a n

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