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Re: Sites dwindling

To: <>
Subject: Re: Sites dwindling
From: "AndreDowney" <>
Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2001 12:00:27 -0400
Arthur Emerson I like your business plan; but, no my pockets aren't anywhere
deep enough to offer anything but my $.02.

While it may not work everywhere (sorry SF) there SHOULD be places where it
could work. Many areas have seen military bases close with facilities that
could easily fit your description. I have also noticed that Tire-companies
build warehouses out in the middle of nowhere (but near enough). Numerous
mutually beneficial arrangements would seem like naturals if our very basic
needs are met (4 acres, paved :)

One point I think you made  - and has been over looked - is the idea that
the SCCA should be prepared to support and assist any region that thought
there was a chance to make this happen. [While I appreciate the SCCA
reluctants to get involved with commercial enterprises...] In SOME WAY the
SCCA needs to become more active in acquiring sites for Solo II. As a
National organization they/we simple have more weight then most regions can

Andre Downey
91 GTI - E/S
Philadelphia, Pa

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