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To: "A-Team.Net (Group)" <>
Subject: prosolo
From: "Roger Johnson" <>
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 14:38:11 -0500
>From the time SCCA acquired Pro Solo from it's
creators, many of us have lamented the unfortunate
choice Bill Johnson (et. al.) made for a name.

There have been a VERY few who made a buck
engaging in these events, but certainly not enough to
warrant a serious consideration of the name.

And even with this name, it seems to have become
a term for the format far more than a moniker that indicates
the payouts involved - much like Pro Rally.  How many
people make money at Pro Rally in North America?

Hence, it is the format that I along with others enjoy,
whatever it might be called - Tecate, etc. etc. etc.  

The only things that could perhaps make Pro Solo more
interesting than Solo II are the heads-up matches and
the elimination format that gives one winner.  Oops, two.
Dang - make that three.  Whatever - still far fewer than 
the SIXTY-TWO champions at the Solo II Nationals each year. . . . .

But television?  Perhaps as a self-funded package as others
have described, but likely not otherwise.
Think we are truly deserving of interest from Wide World of Sports,
etc.?  Just pick up any issue of National Speed Sport News to get
an accurate picture of where we fit in the HUGE universe of motorsports
in the US. . . . . . . .

Roger (O) Johnson

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