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Re: prosolo

To: "Linnhoff, Eric" <>,
Subject: Re: prosolo
From: "Jay Mitchell" <>
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 12:57:40 -0600
Eric Linnhoff wrote:

> Were they actually overheating to the point of potentially
damaging the
> engine

They overheated to the point of the coolant temp gauge going into
the red. It was a particular generation (the current one or the
one before that, IIRC) that had the problem.

>How 'bout the Lotus?

Never drove it in snow. That's what daily beaters are for. I
wouldn't use it to plow or carry manure, either.  ;<)

> They were sold as actual street
> cars at one time weren't they?

I drove mine on the street for four years after I bought it,
although not as my daily driver. It never stranded me.

> It will never see a
> start line until it's mechanically complete and proper from top
to bottom.

You should be careful about making absolute statements. What
looks "mechanically complete and proper" today has a way of
looking really slipshod in the harsh light of competitive
reality. I've seen lots of "complete" P and M cars break at autox
events. And more that once after the car's owner had told me how
unreliable my Lotus was. Being a gentleman, I always offered to
help. And tried not to laugh.  ;<)


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