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Re: PCA and SCCA

To: "autox list" <>
Subject: Re: PCA and SCCA
From: "Eric Linnhoff" <>
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 02:38:30 -0600
>To everybody else who's ever had a bad experience at a PCA event I'm sure
>Matt will join me in extending an apology.
I've not had any bad experiences at any of the PCA events that I've attended
here in KC.  Only about a half dozen or so autocrosses but so far they've
all been personable folks.

Sure, some turn up their noses at a measily Neon............until it beats
them at an autocross.  Mostly because of driver skill (and race tires).  ;^)
Then they wonder how their Wundercar got beat by a lowly economy car.
Granted, most of them tend to "baby" their cars around the course but there
are a few who actually try to go fast.  The ones who actually tried of
course beat me, as they should.

I've found these "uppity" folks in every group and walk of life.  _Most_ of
the time it can be remedied by simply introducing myself in a friendly
manner and not acting snobbish myself.

Remember, there is such a thing as reverse discrimination as well as reverse
snobbishness.  So far I haven't found a whole lot of people that can't be
won over with a friendly attitude and a beer or three.  ;^)

Eric Linnhoff in KC
#69 STS    TLS #13
'98 Neon R/T  (4 door)

"When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite."
Winston Churchill, Sir (1874-1965), on formal declaration of war

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