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Re: PCA and SCCA

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: PCA and SCCA
From: "Matt Murray" <>
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2000 12:54:06 -0500
Isn't "uppity P-car owners" redundant? :^) Don't worry, the Metro NY PCA
isn't thrilled (except Henry) when the lowly 4 cylinder stock 968 and gets
either FTD or second. And then Salerno, Soloman, and myself show up and they
want to tell us that the event was *suddenly* cancelled. :^). Actually, the
presence of the above and Mike Piera has brought the level of competition up
in the Connecticut Valley Region PCA. I do try to help out and add either
course design, safety, or other items to help the PCA events. Both CVR and
Metro appreciate the knowledge that Pat, the Mikes, myself, and other SCCA
autocrossers bring to an event. It starts by doing what you do to help out.
It also wouldn't hurt to show up with say a 996 turbo and let everyone have
dollar runs in it, either. :^)

Matt Murray

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----- Original Message -----
From: <>
> I go to PCA AX's often.  I don't take my 914,  or my old 928 before I
> dumped it.  I show up with my trailered FP 1st gen RX-7.  The two or three
> local AX's that run their events are happy to see me.  BUT NO ONE ELSE IS,
> they are stand offish and down right uppity.  The put me in a class with
> all the other non P cars that have any mods and that makes those 'non P
> car' owners happy to see me, NOT.  The classing is not a problem with me,
> the event is after all a PCA event.   I go for track time.  I volunteer to
> help with setup, teardown, safety, driver instruction or any of the other
> SCCA things I would normally do.
. . . .
> Now ask me how I really feel about uppity P car owners that always want
> their way.
> James Rogerson

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