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Re: PCA and SCCA

Subject: Re: PCA and SCCA
From: "Jonathan Franks" <>
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2000 11:21:44 -0600
I'm a Chicago region PCA member. I have to say that most of our real 
autocrossers are friendly to a fault. We all share tools, tips, sometimes 
helmets, and even cars for our events. A lot of our autocrossers are 
autocrossers, we go to SCCA and other SCC events (we have about 4 or 5 
different major autocross groups in the area). Personally, I also have a 
Miata and lately I've been running the Porsche in with my Miata club.

I would consider most of the people I talk to good people. They just love 
racing, and it doesn't matter if you're in a stripped-down modified turbo 
911 or a stock '81 GTI, you're a fellow racer. It does suck that you had a 
bad experience with PCA members, I'm sorry for that. But there's no denying 
that at a big SCCA event, most of the (what's the PC term... exclusively 
advantaged? I don't know, I'm not trying to offend anyone here) less exotic 
car drivers tend to be stand-offish of Porsche drivers. I've had this happen 
to me. A buddy of mine in an E36 M3 and me in my 968 came out and nobody in 
a Civic or Neon would even give us the time of day.

For me, though, the friendly drivers make these events worth while. We're 
all part of a rather exclusive clique. Let's just have a little respect!

'91 Miata (C-Stock now!)
'94 968 (A-Stock)

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