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Re: STS Tire Rules

Subject: Re: STS Tire Rules
From: Karl Litterer <>
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 12:48:58 -0700 (PDT)
Amen Brother Roger!  I have been silently watching
this thread/class for some time now and would like to
inject this one thought.  SPEC TIRE.  It is the only
way it 'might' work.  

Karl Litterer

>Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 19:34:17 -0400
>From: "Roger Johnson" <>
>Subject: Re: STS Tire Rules
>The gains to be had from bringing in a 'ringer' tire
>to compete against the existing S/SP rubber are
>fairly small - diminishing returns, and all that.
>To the marketing manager at ABC tire company, the
>ability to advertise a win in "SCCA's latest,
>greatest, hottest class - STS" that appeals to the
>folks who are the stated market for this class is a
>BIG deal.  He would likely care less about
>winning Corvette, Miata or Porsche classes. . . . .
>look at what Toyo is spending to attract the Import 
>Drag crowd.
>Don't bitch to me:  I am simply repeating what has 
>been the mantra since 1983, every time someone 
>brings up the idea of doing away with "R" tires in
>Stock:  "Can't be enforced".
>Don't bitch to me:  I am simply stating what has 
>happened in the past, when tire companies with 
>aggressive marketing managers see the opportunity to 
>create a performance image for their tire.
>Don't bitch to me:  I am simply repeating what was 
>said when the whole ST concept came along:  
>"Regional only.  Common rule-set."
>And don't bitch to me when history repeats itself.


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