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RE: Last posting to for Evolution

To: "Marc J. Sibilia" <>, <>
Subject: RE: Last posting to for Evolution
From: "Patrick Washburn" <>
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2000 08:29:02 -0500
The main difference, in my opinion, between "regular" spam and Evolution
postings is that Evolution postings are mostly advising of *events* that are
about to happen.  This in an effort to advise people when they need to be
signing up, or showing up to, specific times and places.  This is as opposed
to someone simply selling products, like me (  :)  :)

Since Evolution required you to be somewhere at a specific time, as in any
other autocross event, it would seem relevant to me.  Similar to other event
postings, IMO.  Now, if they were always worded like "Evolution is need is what we do....", I would tire of getting
repeated "general spam" posts like this.

Solution:  Evolution postings that are specific event related are within the
spirit of this list and should not be considered spam.  i.e.: "Get your
entries in for the East Metropolis school being held on Dec 25.... or A new
event has just been created in a town near you, see Website for additional
information."  Seems appropriate in all fairness.

Pat Washburn

>  You are providing a very good service to this list.  Your posts are
> informative and 100% relevant to the topic.
I agree.

However, if everyone who had a product relevant to autocrossing posted, would be a different place.

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