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To: <>
Subject: Re: BSM/SM2
From: "Jamie Sculerati" <>
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 19:21:16 -0400
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
>   I have absolutely no problem with F125, SM, STS, STR, FP, OSP or any
> of the other alphabet-soup classes run in various parts of the country, so
> long as there are sufficient entries to warrant National status.
>   If this means that some of the older, established but yet
> diminishing-number classes have to go away or consolidate or have
Regional-only status, so
> be it.

There's the rub, though, isn't it?  Solo II classes are like old military
bases -- it takes an act of Congress to eliminate one, and the hard feelings
afterwards pretty well squash the possibility of doing so again in our
lifetime.  The whole AP/FP wrestling match is the model -- and inevitably,
it's the "real race car" classes that will take the hits first, since in
general, they tend to have fewer participants per class than the "street
car" classes.

The fact is, if Solo II is going to try to provide competitive ground for
every four-wheeled vehicle that's not an SUV or armor-plated, we're going to
see the number of street car classes creep up as automotive  technology
advances.  The alternative is to deliberately write off particular cars in
those classes as cone fodder.  Or come up with some monsterous mathematical
equalization factor for each car that no one will like anyhow.

'92 Prelude Si
Speed Demon Racing

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