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RE: Short overlaps (was Rocky's Stats for 2000?)

Subject: RE: Short overlaps (was Rocky's Stats for 2000?)
From: "Joe Goeke" <>
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 23:17:12 GMT
As being a first hand participant, working timing, and S.O. of the chief of 
timing Tues/Wednesday, I thought I'd give my impresitons

>1. Remove the audit, or at least reduce the frequency of the audit
>(though I wasn't at Nationals this year, so I have no idea how that
>was handled).

The audit is very important, due to the sheets on course are the official 
account of your run.  With the fast pace, it's easy to miss a cone or two in 
timing or get it on the wrong car, so competitors don't really know what is 
right until the audit.  With that, doing them twice a run may seem a lot, 
and on smaller events, like some Divisionals, I would agree, but with the 
larger events, a mid run Audit is essential to get the copies of the course 
audit sheets posted prior to a competitors next run.  This would not be 
possible in a fast pased event like nats if audits were only done once a 
run, at least not for the first 1/3 or so competitors.  This is critical if 
you are one that values knowing if you previous run was clean or not :-)

>2. Increase the number of rungroups, but remove the number of course
>walks. You might feel that this reduces the number of course walks
>you can take, but if you'd just train for marathons, as we do in the
>San Francisco Bay Area, you can increase your course walk laps in a
>shorter amount of time. I encourage interval training, or maybe about
>15 seconds rest between laps.  Builds your aerobic capacity. Pace is
>the key.

Asside from the athletic humor, I think there is a point of diminishing 
returns on run groups:  To many and you have to much fragmentation or down 
time in managing lots of groups.  To few and you have enormous work/run time 
that is to hard on everyone.  I think 5 a nats has worked well, or about 50 
cars per run group.

>3. Increase the number of days at Nationals.

This would help the pace, but at this point I don't see it is needed.  Each 
day started at 8am and finished by 4pm on both courses!, with over 1100 
entrants.  Now running cars every 15 seconds sucks, and I would have put my 
foot down if I were chief of timing, but I think this was only done a couple 
of times on the first day in fear of finishing at 8 in the dark %-).  Also, 
the limit to 15min for in between course walks was a bit thin, but if you 
were ready to walk when they openned the course, you could easly get to the 
end before the wanted to shoo folks off.

I don't see any real changes needed to support 1200 entrants, based on how 
proactive all the organizers were in keeping the event running.

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