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Re: banquet tickets (was Re: South Course...)

To: "Mari L Clements" <>, <>
Subject: Re: banquet tickets (was Re: South Course...)
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 19:05:40 -0500
-----Original Message-----
From: Mari L Clements <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, September 18, 2000 1:22 PM
Subject: Re: banquet tickets (was Re: South Course...)

>> For those of us that could not make it,
>> how was the food this year?
>The vegetarian entrees were lovely (portabello mushrooms over angel hair
>pasta Wednesday, vegetarian lasagne Friday).  As a veteran of many, many,
>many catered banquet type things, I learned that vegetarian is safer than
>mystery meat.  The chocolate cake Wednesday night and the carrot cake
>Friday night were yummy.

After the banquet debacles of a few years back, the food has improved
markedly. But since said debacle, the Capitol Plaza hotel has been built,
and I understand the hotel is now handling the catering of our little do.
Hardly mystery meat -- in fact, the menus were announced in advance.
Wednesday night was London Broil, delicious. Serve it again next year,
please. Friday was Santa Fe Chicken. Never heard of that before, but
basically it was Mexican (my wife says, New Mexican), very tasty chicken
breast with bacon. Somehow extra plates appeared at my table. They were not
wasted.  :-)


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