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Re: banquet tickets (was Re: South Course...)

Subject: Re: banquet tickets (was Re: South Course...)
From: Mari L Clements <>
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 14:03:26 -0400
> For those of us that could not make it,
> how was the food this year? 

The vegetarian entrees were lovely (portabello mushrooms over angel hair
pasta Wednesday, vegetarian lasagne Friday).  As a veteran of many, many,
many catered banquet type things, I learned that vegetarian is safer than
mystery meat.  The chocolate cake Wednesday night and the carrot cake
Friday night were yummy.

> What about the talent show? 

Relatively few folks showed up in the audience, sadly.  Howard noted the
absence of food seemed to be a deterrent to attendance.

Danielle Engstrom & GH Sharp, with a violin/piano duet, took first prize
(and will both be going to Derek Daly driving school as their rewards).
Gina Blair, with a lovely version of Jodee Messina's "I'm All Right" took
second (and gets a Nationals entry, a membership, a National Tour entry,
and a ProSolo entry).
I was 3rd, a very talented guy whose name I forgot with a mountain
dulcimer was 4th, and I think Mr. Strange was 5th or 6th (and he has
promised to retire the yucky hat).  Mike Bultimeier was 5th or 6th with
his in-car Team Laughing Stock video.  Memphis Mumbles was also in the
trophies (I think he won a ProSolo entry).

No streaking at any banquets or shows.

'91 MR2 NA
-----anything after this, I didn't write, and don't necessarily agree


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