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Re: DSP, was Nationals entries

To: autox <>
Subject: Re: DSP, was Nationals entries
From: "Mark J. Andy" <>
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 17:24:56 -0400 (EDT)

On Thu, 17 Aug 2000, miket wrote:
> Really??  I'm not convinced.  At the 1999 Natioanls, Mark Daddio was about 
> seconds off of the DSP winning X1/9.  I know 2.9 seconds is alot, but I'd bet 
> most or all of that time could be made up with a serious SP'd Neon - lower, 
> sway bars, bigger rubber, more power, less weight, limited slip diff, etc...

Wasn't Dadio 2 seconds ahead of all the other neons?

That's 5 seconds for a good driver and more for someone like me.


(wasn't there a guy in the Atlanta-ish area building an SP neon?  Posted
to the list some?)

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