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Re: How to lose your job in less than 60 seconds...

To: jon e prevo <>,
Subject: Re: How to lose your job in less than 60 seconds...
From: Judy Becker <>
Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 20:01:43 -0700
About as long as it would take Michelle Kwan to skate over to Mr. Bradshaw 
& drag him onto the ice (assuming he does not ice skate) & spin him around 
in a spiral tighter than any pass he ever threw...

I once heard an old ancient proverb that kind of went "t'is better to keep 
mouth shut & be thought a fool than open mouth & prove same".

Actually, I think it was an old Charlie Chan movie, sure do miss those...

Ah well, back to thoughts of looking forward to seeing the next race  the 
ladies will be in...

Judy   (mulling over an autox dry spell in San Diego)          {:>}

At 01:17 PM 5/29/00 -0500, jon e prevo wrote:
>Jesus, will you guys lighten up?  Meanwhile, allow me to rephrase my
>statement in a gentler manner so you humorless people can understand...
>I personally hope that those who employ the esteemed Mr. Sneva are so
>tremendously overwhelmed by the outrage of more than half of the American
>public that they can him _yesterday_!  This kind of attitude toward the
>capability of the fairer gender is not only pointless but demeaning.
>While those are the kind of comments I would expect and even pass over
>among the armchair quarterback pool hall crowd, they are extremely
>inappropriate coming from the mouth of someone with the stature in this
>sport that Tom Sneva has.  How would it sound if Terry Bradshaw started
>making comments about PMS and female ice skaters?  And how long would he
>keep his job?
>Jon FP 73
>On Mon, 29 May 2000 11:34:50 EDT writes:
> > In a message dated 5/29/00 10:12:37 AM Central Daylight Time,
> >
> > writes:
> >
> > << >>
> > Thanks for your mention of Memorial Day.  I know I can appreciate
> > the fact
> > that my grandparents served in the World Wars and my father is an
> > active Duty
> > Army LTC.  I thank you for remembering our men and women in the
> > Armed
> > Services.  They all deserve our thanks.
> >
> > Now as too shooting Sneva...that's a bit over the top.  I can only
> > hope that
> > that post was in jest.  If not...get the fella some help.  Since
> > when is a
> > violent act the good way to end anything?
> >
> > Brad Pyatt
> > 98 Neon ACR
> > Rockwall, TX
> > <A HREF="";>Texas Region SCCA</A>

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