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Re: How to lose your job in less than 60 seconds...

Subject: Re: How to lose your job in less than 60 seconds...
Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 15:53:57 EDT
In a message dated 5/29/00 11:23:56 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< I personally hope that those who employ the esteemed Mr. Sneva are so
 tremendously overwhelmed by the outrage of more than half of the American
 public that they can him _yesterday_!  This kind of attitude toward the
 capability of the fairer gender is not only pointless but demeaning. 
 While those are the kind of comments I would expect and even pass over
 among the armchair quarterback pool hall crowd, they are extremely
 inappropriate coming from the mouth of someone with the stature in this
 sport that Tom Sneva has.  How would it sound if Terry Bradshaw started
 making comments about PMS and female ice skaters?  And how long would he
 keep his job?
 Jon FP 73 >>

Are you trying to back pedal a little here. I think so!!!!  And as for your 
latest (Goofy)comment referring to women as the "fairer gender" give me a 
That statement is really condesending and sexist by itself. Mr. Sneva stated 
He wasn't talking about PMS he was commenting on the fact that the only two
women in the field hit each other. You may not have liked the way he said it 
his statement is true.   

Mike B. 99cm

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