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Re: DQ question

To: Scotty *BOB* White <>
Subject: Re: DQ question
From: "Robert M. Pickrell Jr." <>
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 15:04:21 -0500
I do not know about being pissed. The winning car does not make much sense, but
I do not know the rules that apply. As for the weights SCCA to my knowledge has
always ruled that the sacles used at the event are the "Official Scales of the

>From working impounf for several years at Nationals this is interperted to mean
that no matter what you think, you need to make sure you are over minimum weight
by the "Offical Scale of the Event".

This is not meant to sound simplistic, and you may already understand this.


Scotty *BOB* White wrote:

>    Please give me some input without flames and let me know what you think?
> SCCA National T1 race, 3 cars entered.
> first car across finish is 1/2 lap ahead of second place car and 1 & 1/2
> laps ahead of third place car.
> first car weighs 3194lb on a 3200lb minimum *without* driver,
> same car weighed again at 3197lb
> same car weighed again at 3196lb then again at 3195lb
> car is Dq'd
> protest dissallowed, fee returned
> appeal made on basis of car being DQ'd by the same amount that scales varied
> in wieght and that car 1 had significant advantage over cars 2 & 3 that 3
> pounds would not have mattered as car *with* driver was 65lb heavier than
> identical car 2
> decision upheld, fee retained
> second place car is found to be 1" too wide rear track even VTS says
> alternate wheels 1.5" wider than stock *PER SIDE*
> car is Dq'd
> protest dissallowed
> third place car recieves points and win
> here is the kicker, third place car is *NOT* classified to race in T1! Yep,
> that's right, they tossed the above cars for those violations and let a
> *Ferrari F355 F1* take a *National* win when it is not listed *AT ALL* for
> T1!!!
> The F355 *is* classified as is the Berlinetta but no mention of the *F1*
> package which is a clutchless sequential 6speed tranny along with some other
> goodies.
> Is SCCA doin their job?
> Should I be pissed? (i am the first car to finish)
> Could they have imposed a lesser penalty? Did the 3 pounds make up the 1/2
> lap in 30?
> driver 1 weighs 260lb
> driver 2 weighs 186lb
> driver 3 weighs 100lb
> all cars are weighed without driver.
> lemmy no,
> sbw

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