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Re: DQ question

To: "Eric Linnhoff" <>
Subject: Re: DQ question
From: Paul Czarnecki <>
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 16:59:30 -0400
At 2:19 PM -0500 5/25/1999, Eric Linnhoff wrote:
>I sure would've asked to see the scale calibration certificate.  If that
>doesn't help I'd ask to see the certification papers of the person who
>was weighing the cars.  Ya gotta be trained to properly set up and
>operate those scales.  Was the surface perfectly level?  I'd bet not.
>And if that didn't help then I'd ask to see the certification papers for
>the machine that calibrated the scales.  If that still didn't help I'd
>ask to see the certification papers of the guy who calibrated the scale
>calibration machine.  And so on and so forth.

nope, doesn't matter.  These are the official scales of the event open to
all competitors during the weekend.  This isn't a radar trap you are trying
to beat...

Paul Czarnecki

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