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Re: Large course design questions

To: "Meyer, Brian J" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Large course design questions
From: "Justin Hughes" <>
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 09:47:27 -0400
>For larger sites that have enough space for multiple cars on course (3 or
>so), how much time do you typically let go by before sending the next car
>out? Is 20 seconds enough of an interval? It seems to me that using a 30
>second interval allows plenty of time for corner workers to reset cones and
>get clear, and it allows enough time for a spun car to recover and continue
>without red-flagging the cars behind it. If we could sqeeze the interval
>down to 20 seconds, then we could run the cars at a much higher rate and
>finish the day earlier. However, is 20 seconds unsafe? What interval is
>for national events?

Much of this depends on the actual design of the course itself.  The Boston
Chapter BMW CCA, for example, has a rather long course this year.  I'm
running it in around 90 seconds.  Fastest time last event (placed by a
modified M3 with race tires) was about 77 seconds.  The course crosses over
itself, and actually reuses many elements a second time, either in the same
or opposite direction.  What we do is start the next car when the current
car gets to a particular point in its run.  After this point, not only do
both cars have significant time separation, they also have significant
physical separation at all times, and are never on a potential collision
course should one lose control.  In our first event we did have a few
conflicts during the day, solved by red flags and observant drivers.  No
harm done - that's what red flags and reruns are for.

>How long (in feet) would you guess an 80 second course is? I realize that
>depends on how fast the course is, so I'd have to assume an average speed
>somewhere between 30 and 50 mph.

Hmmm, I'll have to set my trip odometer before I take a run on Sunday. :)

    - Justin
      '83 BMW 320i DSP

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