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Re: The tire thing^n

To: "Paul and Meredith Brown" <>,
Subject: Re: The tire thing^n
From: "Eric Linnhoff" <>
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 09:05:17 -0700
 Some day we're going to have
>someone show up at Nationals with nitrous oxide.  I think that it's legal
>as the rule is written (my rule book is out in the truck, but I don't
>remember it being changed;  nitrous is not a fuel!  But pump gas surely has
>nitrogen in it, so I guess we're all illegal...) but I'm pretty sure the
>rule was intended to dissallow such a thing
Hey wait a minute, nitrous is legal after all?


It may not make me any faster but then again if I plumb it to my helmet
instead of the intake manifold then I really won't care who gets FTD.  ;^)

See you on course.

Eric (okay I inhaled once or twice) Linnhoff in KC

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