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Course Safety?

To: <>
Subject: Course Safety?
From: "James Rogerson" <>
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 21:24:33 -0600
I have seen three rollovers, one worker hit and two cars on almost one wheel
(at '97 Nationals - you could even get a tee-shirt with the picture of one
by Thursday), each case save one involved front wheel drive cars in a slow
down, transition area with car speed less than 30 MPH at entry.  IMO, front
wheel drive cars should be banned from all decreasing distance slaloms,
"Chicago Boxes" and any other transition movement that requires the use of
the brakes if driver error would induce such.

Front wheel drive cars are unsafe under hard braking while attempting to
negotiate a sharp turn, especially on "sticky" tires.  There is no place for
them in Autocross.


Ps.  Wally, I do too agree with you on most things, and this is one.

James Rogerson
BSP - 240Z; EM - SPL311RX7  AP - RX-7
Affiliations:  Team Laughing Stock #18; Old Fartz #86; Techless Enginerring
Nails are Glue, Tape is welding!
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