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Eyes on the course (was: Course Design...)

To: Glenn Duensing <>
Subject: Eyes on the course (was: Course Design...)
From: Rocky Entriken <RENTRIKEN/0003006623@MCIMAIL.COM>
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 22:07:22 -0500 (EST)
Glenn Duensing wrote:

> I would be very afraid of any driver who would that their eyes off the course
> to see how fast they're going in a turn. Now THAT"S unsafe.

Naw. It's a quick glance. Besides, most of the time when you are IN the
turn .. if you are, for example, doing it the way McKamey and others teach ..
by then your eyes are somewhere else anyway. Usually further downcourse. You 
have set your car into THIS turn and now it is basically done as far as 
anything you have to do with it, and you are already looking ahead and
planning ahead for the next one. 

Now if it is a really busy section, you are looking at cone placement and car
placement and trying to be on your intended line. But if it is not so busy
a section, you may mave a moment to steal a quick look at your gauges. The
speedo (if you have one) is just another gauge. And if it is an analog speedo
you are just glancing to see if the needle is straight up, at a 30-degree
angle, 90-degree angle, or whatever. You already know, generally, what that
angle means. You hardly even need the numbers any more. 

You never checked a tach or an oil pressure gauge during a run? 

I don't have a speedo (P car), but sometimes I make a point of checking my
tach in a given turn to see if I am really carrying the revs I think I am. Or
the oil gauge to see if I am losing pressure with that much sideload. 

Besides, what's unsafe? It's Solo II, right? Not like we are going to run into
that car running along beside us because we took our eyes off it for a moment.
Theoretically, the worst that should be able to happen is the car spins out to
a stop. 

It is not like I look at the gauge with a tunnel vision that blocks out all
else in the world at that moment. Nor that I concentrate deeply on it for
several seconds. It is a glance, done in a fraction of a second. That's all
anyone needs because, after all, most of our attention IS on the course yet
to come (some on the car and how it is handling, but most on the course).


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