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Re: Course Safety?

Subject: Re: Course Safety?
From: Heyward K Wagner <>
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 17:51:19 EST
Sorry it took me so long to write you back, I guess it just took a while
to pry my chin off of the floor...

I hope your tounge is permently afixed to your cheek, in fear that it is
not I will ask you to take a second look.

I have been involve with SCCA sence birth and have seen a lot. I beleive
that accedents are related to two factors.  Too much HP and not enough
IQ.  A combanation more often found in a 5.0 Mustang than in a Honda

I would drive a rear wheel drive car if there were one available but
there isn't.  The Maita is really the only afordable option.  The problem
is that I need a car that I can carry more than me and my wallet.

I will tell you the same thing that I tell everyone else on issues of
danger, if you don't like it, don't do it, but don't ruin my fun.  I'll
take care of me, you do the same.


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