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Re: [Alpines] Weber question

Subject: Re: [Alpines] Weber question
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 10:54:38 -0400

I've done the same conversion, with a Weber 28/36 DCD, with a progressive 2nd 
throttle. I'm assuming that's what you have as it bolts right onto the solex 
manifold from the SIII. It runs very well, although a little rich judging by 
the plugs etc. I could cure that with more optimal jets, but it's only 
marginal, so I've left it alone.

It sounds more like fuel starvation to me, and is more likely to be the 
accelleration pump not working than dumping too much fuel.

If you take off the filter and pump the gas, you should see the pump jetting 
gas into the venturi.

If that all works fine, I would check your jet and venturi sizes, and maybe the 
float level. I'll pull mine to get the jet reading if you like.

If it's been parted from another car, without being jetted for the 1725, that 
could be the problem. A lot of these units came from smaller engined Fiats.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Mounce <>
To: Alpine Discussion Group <>
Sent: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 3:05
Subject: [Alpines] Weber question

Hello all:


I converted my SV to a single Weber downdraught carb, and have found it
stumbles, or has a flat spot (not sure of the correct jargon) at low RPMs.
I was thinking it was either starving at low RPMs, or getting too much gas
via the accelerator pump.  The situation is bad when leaving from a dead
stop, or shifting.  I haven't had time to monkey with it, but was talking to
a customer of mine who repaired foreign cars for 35 years.  He said the
Weber was designed for racing and high revs, and this behavior should be
expected.  Any comments from the group?  If this is true, I can't say I am
overly thrilled.  At my age and weight, the only racing I do is chasing the
Hagen Daz truck down my street!  "Wait, come ba-a-a-a-c-c-k-k-k-k!"


Thanks all, 


Bill Mounce

1967 SV, aka 'The Paperweight'

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