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Re: Front suspension issues --- progress!

To: "Cregg Cowan" <cregg.cowan@sri.com>,
Subject: Re: Front suspension issues --- progress!
From: "Alan Salvatore" <6parts@charter.net>
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2006 22:09:59 -0400
I do happen to have a set of ball joints sitting on the shelf waiting on an 
install for the last 2 years;  I guess I need to move forward.



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Cregg Cowan" <cregg.cowan@sri.com>
To: <lindquistse@charter.net>; "Alan Salvatore" <6parts@charter.net>; "john 
North" <jnorth@novagate.com>; <6pack@autox.team.net>
Sent: Monday, April 03, 2006 4:16 PM
Subject: Re: Front suspension issues --- progress!

> Fellow Enthusiasts,
> I've made progress on fixing the condition where my car sat lower (3/4" or 
> so) on the left side.
> After replacing the usual suspects (all bushings and springs on all four 
> corners) I discovered the ball-joint tapers were different.
> I installed matching ball joints and am glad to report that the left side 
> height is much better!  I want to let the suspension components (e.g., 
> spring pads) settle for a few days before I re-evaluate, but my simple 
> where-on-the-leg-does-the wheel-arch-hit comparison shows no difference 
> from left to right side.  This is definite improvement.
> The long-tapered ball joint increased the distance between the ball joint 
> and the lower spring pan on that side.  (Recall that the upper end of the 
> front spring fits in a tower rigidly attached to the frame.)  It then 
> makes sense that the side with longer distance would sit lower, because 
> more distance must be taken up to reach balance (I'm struggling for the 
> right words here --- a picture would help).  The distance I measured 
> between the upper ball joint and lower wishbone-trunnion thru-bolt only 
> differed by 1/4 inch (left/right) with the
> mis-matched ball joints.  It seems a little puzzling that such a small 
> difference could make 3/4 inch difference at the wheel arch.  However, it 
> only takes a few pounds pushing down on a fender to move it down a 
> noticeable amount, and the wheel arch is much further from the centerline 
> of the car, so the effect would be greater there.  In any case, replacing 
> the ball joints was helpful.
> I would be interested to know if others out there with puzzling 
> one-side-low problems also have a similar difference between the 
> ball-joint and trunnion/wishbone.
> Regards,
> Cregg

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