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Front Wheel Bearings

To: 6 Pack TR6 List <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Front Wheel Bearings
From: James Henningsen <jdhenn@cfl.rr.com>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 20:05:04 -0500
Hello All!
It's spring and I am getting to play with my cars, yippee.  Now the down 
side.....  Dumb question number 324.  What are the symptons of bad front 
whell bearings?  I have very hot lug nuts and wheels on the front of the 
car after a 20 mile trip, but not the back of the car.  There is no 
"whirring" when driving.  Is this a bad thing or am I being overcautious?

Thanks in advance
Jim Henningsen (About to start up a Central Florida chapter of the 6Pack 
- called The Rat Pack!!!!)
75 TR6 (Cf35914U)
80 TR7
Kissimmee, FL  (right next to Mickey "aka The Rat" Mouse)

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