At 09:28 PM 8/6/01 -0700, you wrote:
>Gordon---I'm with the one who thinks it's the fuel filter causing the
>intermittant problem. It has ALL of the signs, i.e. one carb drops out
>first, as it runs out of fuel. Going up hill, when fuel demand is
>greatest, and fuel pump activity is relatively low.
>Replace yours with those large, nylon, sealed kind. Not those weenie
>ones of chrome and glass, meant for show.
>Also easy to check is the filter in the top of the fuel pump itself.
>These can be blown clean, and dirt here will be obvious.
>There is an outside chance that dirt is blocking one of the float bowl
>jets, allowing only a small quantity of fuel to enter this carb, but go
>with the filter first. It should be located in the line below the fuel
>Dick T.
Makes sense to me. I'll take at it this weekend - it's in the 90s here and
we're not used to that!
Gordon in New Brunswick, Canada