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Re: Engine cutting out

To: gvgreen@nbnet.nb.ca (Gordon Green)
Subject: Re: Engine cutting out
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2001 21:28:39 -0700 (PDT)
Gordon---I'm with the one who thinks it's the fuel filter causing the
intermittant problem. It has ALL of the signs, i.e. one carb drops out
first, as it runs out of fuel. Going up hill, when fuel demand is
greatest, and fuel pump activity is relatively low.  

Replace yours with those large, nylon, sealed kind. Not those weenie
ones of chrome and glass, meant for show.

Also easy to check is the filter in the top of the fuel pump itself.
These can be blown clean, and dirt here will be obvious.

There is an outside chance that dirt is blocking one of the float bowl
jets, allowing only a small quantity of fuel to enter this carb, but go
with the filter first. It should be located in the line below the fuel

Dick T.

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