[TR] Stainless Steel,

Paul Tegler ptegler at verizon.net
Sun May 14 18:54:00 MDT 2023

Harrington the the dist for the Vietnam company.

(copy of one my my own emails back in 2021)

Please note thatwhile the shape of the bumpers is the same for_Spitfire 
M4, GT6 MK3 and1500_, there are two different types of number plate 
light holes in the rear bumper.

  The original rear bumper we use as pattern for reproduction has two 
bigger holes and two smaller holes for mounting one big license plate 
light frame. These holes are correct for_GT6 MK3, Spitfire Mk4 and early 
1500 models_. Later 1500 models did, however, use two separate lights 
and as such the holes are different – I am afraid that we do not supply 
the rear bumper with these holes, but should your car really be a later 
1500 model I can offer you to not pre-drill the holes so you can make 
them yourself. You can find a photo at the bottom of this email and 
confirm which type you require.

  We can have the bumpers ready for shipping within 15-20 working days 
after receipt of payment and confirmation. Shipping is with airfreight 
which only takes 3-4 days straight to your door.

  With regards to payment - we accept Paypal, Bank transfer. In case you 
decide to order, please let me know which method you prefer, I will then 
send you more details.

Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

  Best Regards,


Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 
Harrington-Group-on-White <https://groupharrington.com/>

*Harrington Group Ltd/
Nguyen Huong Thao (Ms.)/*
*/Sales & Marketing Executive/*
*T*+44121 288 1250
*E *info at groupharrington.com


On 5/14/2023 6:02 PM, TeriAnn J. Wakeman wrote:
> Regardless of what is deemed possible and what is not.
> 1. I purchased a set of bumpers off of e-bay labeled as stainless 
> steel. The bumper has a slightly different colour cast than a chrome 
> shine. This winter it grew a lot of rust spots. As I remember the 
> company was based in Mexico. The purchase was about 14ish years ago, 
> the rust is from this past winter.
> 2. I hit it with steel wool and saw bright metal flakes about the 
> thickness I associate with chrome flakes.
> 3. A google search for stainless steel bumpers yielded A Vietnam 
> company advertising stainless steel bumpers. 1.5mm thick stainless 
> steel, and three layers of paint on the back side to protect it from 
> the weather.
> That's all I know. If it is impossible, how do they do it or are they 
> lying about their process and products. I don't care about the reasons 
> they could not make the products they sell. These bumpers looked good 
> for about 10 years longer than new chrome bumpers I previously 
> purchased and as I mentioned the colour cast was different from 
> chrome. I didn't complete the rebuild of my car before I could see 
> rust on the new chrome bumpers I had purchased.
> TeriAnn
> On 5/14/23 12:40 PM, stagbytriumph at triumphstagclub.org wrote:
>> Wooo HOOOO, the ChatGPT fact checker!!
>> Go right ahead and believe the output of ChatGPT Ai all you want,  but nobody should consider
>> ChatGPT AI a fact checker (see its disclaimer) by any means.
>>   If you really want to go there, definitely make sure your doctor uses ChatGPT Ai to write your
>> prescription and guide the cancer surgeon to cure you on your next doctor visit too. (Read the
>> ChatGPT disclaimers)
>> The Science:
>> Although stainless steel plating "may be possible", it is "not economically feasible" nor "complete
>> properties transfer", BECAUSE the technology has not been yet developed to take something like mild
>> steel or pot metal and plate it in "stainless" BECAUSE the molecular transfer - the electrolysis
>> does not transfer all the properties (ions) of stainless properties to the surface of the receptor
>> metal.  Since the electrolysis process does not transfer ALL the stainless-steel molecular
>> properties content, it is not, and cannot be "stainless steel" plating BECAUSE one, stainless steel
>> is a grade of steel composition, and two, not all the stainless-steel properties can be transferred
>> using electrolysis.
>> Why believe established engineering science as opposed to another all-knowing Ai deity?
>>   ChatGPT is, as it has been proven in most cases, incorrect, why?  In this case, it is because
>> ChatGPT does not state the grade of stainless-steel plating, and that can be any grade from grade
>> 200 to Hastelloy C276 that BTW, cannot be tested.
>> Using the term "solid stainless steel".  It is like saying plywood or engineered wood is solid wood
>> because it contains all wood products or,  that a piece of jewelry is "solid gold" when it may be
>> 24,18,16,12 karat gold content or even "solid gold" flash plating. If you want "solid gold" as the
>> criteria, I have some to sell you from China.
>> 100% and "solid" are marketing hype found only from hucksters, sales people, fraudsters and flashy
>> marketing claims meant to deceive.
>> Caveat Emptor ya'll.
>> "My 'shine is 100% corn sour mash", but I add a little rice and barley and herbs to the mash for
>> that family secret flavor, but it's 100% corn in that mash".  Uh huh, the FDA has been playing that
>> % game since the day it was formed.
>> There are literally dozens of grades of stainless steel.  Stainless steel it is not, nor has it ever
>> been graded by "solid" or 100%.  Stainless steel composition is set by standards written by various
>> engineers to address specific hardness , wear and corrosion properties, then set to a "GRADE".
>> 316 stainless steel, or Hastelloy C276,  now that I can understand as being stainless steel.  100%
>> or Solid are meaningless.
>> I have spent the better part of 50 years automating control systems for all sorts of processes from
>> apple pealing and produce processing, semiconductors, nuclear power, Watson Ai, ultra-pure water
>> production to x-ray imaging and xenon gas detection, and a large part of that job was to know metals
>> the metals used in those machines or processes, and most times get metal composition certified from
>> the manufacturers process used in regulated processes like pharmaceuticals, food processing, and
>> nuclear power instrumentation.
>> There are reasons you do not want certain metals touching the food you eat or in contact with
>> nuclear generated steam.
>> Run that one through ChatGPT Ai and see what metals leach cancer causing molecules directly into
>> your medicines or food and accept it as fact if you trust ChatGPT "facts" with your life.
>> And there are reasons why "stainless steel plating" is also hype, as of today at least.  I am sure
>> technology will advance someday to plate 308 or 316 or Hastelloy C276 onto pot metal or mild steel
>> and the process will be certified, but it does not exist as of the date of this email.
>> I will gladly accept a show quality triple plate chrome bumper for my Triumph and it will last long
>> after I am gone, because its corrosion properties have been proven to last more than 50 years.  But
>> if it is claimed to be solid stainless or 100% stainless, I'll want to know the grade AND polish.
>> Here we go with another "fluif" worthless discussion.
>> Another Caveat from someone who actually worked on IBM Watson speech recognition project:  Be
>> extremely careful how you compose OpenAi ChatGPT questions including the specific wording and
>> ordering and grammar in that question, you may not get the answers you expect and will then blindly
>> rely upon as facts.
>> That is because OpenAI ChatGPT is not programmed nor capable to answer your question:
>> "Do you know what I mean?".
>> No computer program algorithm has of yet until you attach the bio-junction connection directly into
>> your brain, and even then, it will probably get it wrong because some novice app programmer came up
>> with the algorithm.
>> Know what I mean?
>> Glenn aka StagByTriumph Garage
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Triumphs<triumphs-bounces at autox.team.net>  On Behalf Of Stan Foster
>> Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2023 8:39 PM
>> To: TeriAnn J. Wakeman<tjwakeman at gmail.com>;triumphs at autox.team.net
>> Subject: Re: [TR] Stainless Steel
>> ChatGPT confirms:
>> Yes, it is possible to plate steel with stainless steel. This process is known as electroplating or
>> galvanization and involves depositing a thin layer of stainless steel onto the surface of the steel
>> through an electrolytic process.
>> In this process, the steel is first cleaned and then placed in an electrolytic bath with a solution
>> containing the ions of the stainless steel. An electric current is then passed through the solution,
>> causing the ions to be deposited onto the surface of the steel.
>> The resulting plated steel will have the corrosion-resistant properties of stainless steel, which
>> can be beneficial for applications where the steel will be exposed to harsh environments or
>> corrosive substances.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Triumphs<triumphs-bounces at autox.team.net>  On Behalf Of TeriAnn J. Wakeman
>> Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2023 9:29 PM
>> To:triumphs at autox.team.net
>> Subject: Re: [TR] Stainless Steel
>> On 5/13/23 6:08 PM,stagbytriumph at triumphstagclub.org  wrote:
>>> Sorry Alex,
>>> You may want to do some fact checking.  There is no grade for "solid stainless steel".
>>> I do not believe a stainless-steel plating exists for plating over
>>> mild steel technology exists a of yet.
>> "Welcome to PTT BUMPERS. We are a specialist manufacturing in stainless steel bumpers for classic
>> car. Our bumper are made of 100% stainless steel grade 304 , thickness 1.5mm and hand polished. The
>> gloss of bumper is shiny like mirror polish and the backside of bumper are cover by 3 painted layers
>> to protect the bumper from the bad weather and chemicals elements."
>> They plate them somehow.
>> **triumphs at autox.team.net  **
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> 2 years to write and 38 years of travel and camping to learn what to write
> *Because the world beckons and life waits for no one*
> **triumphs at autox.team.net  **
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Paul Tegler
ptegler at verizon.net   www.teglerizer.com
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